Softimage Develops 3D Game Pipeline with EA Chicago

Avid Technology, Inc. announced recently that its Softimage, Co. subsidiary is developing a 3D game development pipeline built on SOFTIMAGE®|XSI® software in close collaboration with Electronic Arts‘ Chicago studio.

XSI software is an industry-leading 3D modeling and character creation package. It is built on a Gigapolygon core, which excels in managing the 64-bit, high-polygon-count 3D characters and environments needed in HD games.

“EA Chicago is working with Softimage on this effort to explore new technologies to develop a new generation workflow model. Both companies are excited about the opportunity and expect this project to generate efficiencies in pipeline speed and iteration,” said Scott Cronce, VP and CTO, worldwide studios for EA.

Renowned for titles like the popular EA SPORTSâ„? Fight Night series and soon-to-be released Def Jam: ICONâ„?, EA Chicago plans to use SOFTIMAGE|XSI software to design high-end characters for an upcoming next-generation game title.

“EA is a world leader in the game industry, and we are very excited that they chose to add Softimage software to their arsenal of tools for next-gen game development. Our mutual goal is to create a workflow model that benefits the artist and we‘re pleased that EA Chicago is adopting cutting-edge solutions from Softimage to work with its internal technology,” said Marc Stevens, Vice President and General Manager for Softimage. “We look forward to seeing the amazing content and, ultimately, the games that EA Chicago creates utilizing this newly developed workflow” he concluded.