VFX Google Doodle Says, "Thank You Coronavirus Helpers" -

Google Doodle Says, “Thank You Coronavirus Helpers”

“Thank you coronavirus helpers,” said today’s Google Doodle honouring the work being done by those in frontlines battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Google Doodle Says, 'Thank You Coronavirus Helpers'

Google in its trademark fashion appreciated and thanked he frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Google Doodle is a gif with hearts and images of all the services supporting the healthcare system amid a raging pandemic. From doctors and nurses, to ambulance drivers, cleaners and security-men, the Google Doodle says “thank you” to all. “As COVID-19 continues to impact communities around the world, people are coming together to help one another now more than ever. We’re launching a Doodle series to recognize and honour many of those on the front lines. Today, we’d like to say: To all coronavirus helpers, thank you”: Google posted on its website.“As COVID-19 continues to impact the nation, help stop the spread by following these steps…”, Google posted on its Twitter handle when the numbers of coronavirus cases started rising sharply.

“Thanks for maintaining six feet distance,” Google posted in August end, reminding people the importance of social distance, as a key precautionary step, as the lockdown was gradually being lifted in phases in India.

Google has consistently been spreading awareness through its Doodles and on social media, sharing precautions against the deadly virus. Doodling becomes fun when coupled along with content that’s what Pro-Papers believes.