VFX Activision Teases Call of Duty 2020 Via Cryptic Website -

Activision Teases Call of Duty 2020 Via Cryptic Website

In the series of latest teaser activities for Call of Duty 2020 is a
cryptic website which teases the date and time of a reveal.

The website features an image of a VCR flashing 12:00 on its LED screen, An old-school TV, a retro phone, two chess pawns (one black, one white) and an old computer. According to sources, the VCR was initially flashing the date, 08 – 14.

This implies we might see something on 14 August. The technology in the image looks pretty old, fuelling the Cold War period rumours.

After months of leaks and rumours, Activision started teasing Call of Duty 2020. According to DualShockers, players have managed to find a message with a Russian phrase reading “doomed to repeat it”.