VFX Animax to launch four new shows -

Animax to launch four new shows

As Animax grows up to appeal to an older audience, the channel will be introducing four new shows with a focus to target youth and young adults between the age of 15 – 24 years.

Animax will premier the hit action series about Full Metal Alchemist as well as the series about the teenage Ghostfighter with supernatural powers on 26 July, followed by the award winning Animax series, Count of Monte Cristo, the futuristic adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas’ classic and Samurai 7, the adaptation of the immortal classic Seven Samurai.

Ghostfighter will be aired on Wednesdays at 7 pm, whereas Full Metal Alchemist will be aired at 7.30 pm. Count of Monte Cristo will be aired on Fridays at 11 pm and Samurai 7 at 11.30 pm.
