VFX Assemblage's MAD initiative helps raise Covid-19 relief funds -

Assemblage’s MAD initiative helps raise Covid-19 relief funds

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on all our lives. Although the number of covid positive cases is decreasing, we are still hearing reports on people dying at the doorsteps of hospitals, lack of oxygen supply, people being forced to find ways to get treatment for sick patients at home and at the same time. Overall the day-to-day existence of the lower socio-economic strata of the society has become severely compromised. To fight the humanitarian crisis, Mumbai-based animation studio Assemblage Entertainment aka MAD Assemblage, a fastest growing 3D animation studio started a MAD (Make a Difference) initiative, a global fundraiser campaign to support the communities throughout India that are devastated by this second surge of COVID-19.

Speaking about the initiative, Assemblage director Arjun Madhavan said, “The second wave of COVID-19 in India was and continues to be lethal. As this spread through the country at a beastly pace and started touching everyone’s lives in more ways than we could imagine, it was clear that this humanitarian crisis would require large humanitarian efforts. We have all been witness to how several corners of our society come together in such times of crisis. Coming together has been the essence of what our studio stands for, and is reflected in our studio’s name Assemblage.”

Assemblage in association with Give India, one of India’s most trusted crowdfunding platforms, started the global fundraiser campaign, reached out to people globally, and encouraged them to support this noble cause. 

AK Madhavan

Commenting on the joint initiative Assemblage CEO AK Madhavan, popularly known as MadMax, said, “As various relief efforts kick-started on humanitarian grounds in order to make available resources, medical supplies, kits, oxygen, etc., we also wanted to do our little bit. We partnered with ‘Give India’, one of India’s leading donation platforms doing some wonderful work across the spectrum, and initiated this global fundraiser campaign.”

He further added, “For several decades now, India has played a significant role in the global animation ecosystem, and in addition to the great volumes of content that has been produced in India and by Indians, an even greater value of relationships have been built, and some incredible friendships have been made. That stood as the basis for us to kick-start this endeavour to reach out to all our friends across the globe to garner support for this very humanitarian cause.”

The studio stands up to its name Assemblage meaning coming together. In this pandemic crisis, MAD Assemblage contributed Rs 700,000 for helping and empowering the different societies of people who are even striving for daily livelihood. Assemblage’s noble cause stands out as an example and motivates others to stand together in these tough times to make a difference.

Arjun Madhavan

Sharing the motto behind this noble cause Arjun Madhavan explained,  “Animation production has taught us several things about life, but one of the key mantras in our production approach has always been, when in a crisis: Respond. Recover. Thrive. The same applies to a crisis of this size and scope too! Through this MAD (Make a Difference) initiative, we endeavor to touch lives, and hopefully play a small role in supporting the many that need help from the more fortunate ones.”

Many International animation studios like 3D Sparrow, Atomic Cartoons, and many industry stalwarts and individuals have come together to support the MAD initiative.

Extending the gratitude to the supporters, MadMax said, “Whilst Assemblage seeded these efforts and made a contribution to the fundraiser themselves, several stalwarts of the industry, individuals, international studios (big and small) all chipped in and continue to do so. The Assemblage Family stands indebted to them and forever grateful for their warmth, graciousness, and generosity, and thank them all for their heartfelt messages and best wishes in these times.”

“Our pursuit doesn’t end here, but only marks the beginning of the moral and social responsibility we take as the collective responsibility to represent not just our Studio, but the industry at large, and help in any way we can. Please know that it is not the amount that matters, the intention does,” added Arjun Madhavan.

With this MAD initiative, the father and son duo worked towards the goal ‘Every Breath Matters’ and successfully raised Rs 1.3 million.

The fundraiser continues to be live and for anyone who wishes to contribute please follow the link: https://fundraisers.giveindia.org/api/links/66Ko58m0_v