VFX AnimationXpress presents Animation Creators Pitch: A unique opportunity for Indian filmmakers -

AnimationXpress presents Animation Creators Pitch: A unique opportunity for Indian filmmakers

In a groundbreaking collaboration between AnimationXpress, 88 Pictures and Zebu Animation, a golden opportunity is knocking at the doors of India’s animation enthusiasts. AnimationXpress brings to you the Animation Creators Pitch, inviting directors, creative artists, students, professionals, and filmmakers with ingenious story ideas to participate and redefine the cultural and geographical scope of animation. This initiative aims to transcend boundaries and create content with global appeal.

Find more details here: https://animationandmoresummit.com/new.html

“In India, where art resonates deeply, pitch platforms are not just stages—they act as catalysts. We envision these catalysts setting off a chain reaction, turning isolated sketches into defining masterpieces that shape the future of our creative landscape,” said Zebu Animation Studios founder and creative director Veerendra Patil.

Who can participate?

Are you a visionary storyteller with a passion for the animation industry in India? This platform is open to individuals and groups ready to unleash their creative prowess. Whether you’re an experienced filmmaker or a fresh-faced student, as long as you’re driven by the zeal to contribute to India’s animation landscape, this is your chance to shine.

Empowering filmmakers’ vision

The heart of this endeavour lies in empowering filmmakers to breathe life into their ideas. The Animation Creators Pitch intends to bridge creators with industry professionals who have the means and expertise to bring animated projects to fruition. The freedom to pitch and present one’s vision is at the core, fostering innovation and diversity in animation storytelling.

Registration link: https://animationxpress.com/pitch_form/registration.php

Shortlisted pitches will undergo scrutiny by a panel of experts from 88 Pictures and Zebu Animation. To be part of this exciting journey, submit your pitch by 10 September 2023. The chosen pitch will be announced on 13 September 2023, and projects are expected to be delivered within six to eight months.

Dive into the realm of limitless imagination and cultural exploration with the Animation Creators Pitch. Your story has the potential to reshape the Indian animation landscape and captivate audiences worldwide.