Imagineer Systems To Preview Newest Version of mocha Pro v 3.2 at SIGGRAPH 2013

Guest Artists from Legend 3D and Master Trainer Steve Wright to Present in the Imagineer Systems Booth

Imagineer Systems has announced that it will showcase its newest versions of mocha Pro™ in its booth #744 at SIGGRAPH 2013 in Anaheim next week. During the show, Imagineer will be demonstrating mocha Pro v3.2, a new point release that provides much improved international character support and significant features to help artists work more efficiently, including:

  • Global character & keyboard support: Unicode-enabled, supporting project, footage, layer names and file paths in any language;
  • Fixes in licensing deactivation issues related to OS X Mountain Lion;
  • Fixes in tracking export issues with interlaced projects for AE and FCP;
  • Fixes in stabilized and inverted tracking export;
  • 3D Camera exporter now exports nulls with names and accuracy identifiers to both After Effects and FBX for Nuke, C4D;
  • Updated mocha 3D track import plug-in for After Effects (v1.1);
  • Many more improvements in all areas of the software.

Additionally throughout the show, Imagineer Systems will also host guest artists from the visual effects industry who will be showing example of their work. Guests artists include:

  • Anthony Garcia – Visual Effects Artist, Legend 3D
  • Anthony Dunifer – Visual Effects Artist, Legend 3D
  • Matt Kemper – Visual Effects Artist, Legend 3D

The artists from Legend 3D will be demonstrating how they used mocha Pro for challenging shots in the recently released, Man of Steel.

Imagineer Systems will also host VFX industry veteran and Telly Award winning master trainer, Steve Wright, who will demonstrate the mocha Pro and NUKE workflow. Steve will present in the Imagineer booth each day of the conference at 2:00 p.m. For more information on Steve Wright training.