VFX POGO seeks to enthrall kids with ‘Trayodash ki Kahaani’ and ‘Kaha Gaya Dholakpur’ movies this monsoon -

POGO seeks to enthrall kids with ‘Trayodash ki Kahaani’ and ‘Kaha Gaya Dholakpur’ movies this monsoon

PogoWith the advent of monsoon, this month Pogo will premiere the latest Chhota Bheem 3D movie – ‘Trayodash ki Kahaani’ on 24 July at 10:30 am. Kids will get to witness the adventurous journey of Bheem as Sky Dragon takes the kids to Paradise with SuperBheem as the chosen warrior, where they train to fight and defeat Zatak’s evil black horse, releasing paradise from the curse.

Kids will also get a chance to bring out the hidden detective as they join their favourite Chhota Bheem to unravel the mystery behind Dholakpur missing in ‘Kaha Gaya Dholakpur’ on 31 July at 12 noon

Pogo’s little fans will also get a chance to win gifts which include action cameras, drones and much more. All they have to do is take part in the ‘Har Shaam Bheem Ke Naam contest’ by watching Chhota Bheem from 11 July to 5 August, Monday to Friday at 6:00 pm on Pogo.

Pogo will also air the new movie ‘Krish Trish Baltiboy’ on 17 July at 12 noon and ‘Pogo Film Factory’ which will feature the best of Chhota Bheem movies every Saturday at 12 noon.