Marvel releases the trailer of ‘War of the Realms’

Marvel Entertainment has released a new teaser trailer for next year’s War of the Realms. From the award-winning Mighty Thor team of Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson, War of the Realms is a crossover event that will have every great Marvel hero to save Earth and beyond from complete annihilation.

“The story really begins when that war that’s been brewing for years in the pages of Thor explodes here in Midgard,” said writer Jason Aaron in a statement. “And at that point, it’s bigger than a Thor battle — everyone becomes a part of that battle.” The writer said previously that he has been building toward this storyline for the entire duration of his Thor run. “So, we’re talking six years and 80-something issues and counting.”

The Marvel Universe will witness the change after the conflict which is scheduled to begin in April 2019.The prologue to the event will begin in Asgardians of the Galaxy #7, Avengers Vol. 8 #16-#17 and Thor Vol. 5 #10-11.