VFX Disney releasing new animated short series, 'At Home With Olaf' made entirely at home

Disney releasing new animated short series, ‘At Home With Olaf’ made entirely at home

Disney is releasing a series of new shorts starring the ever-cheerful Frozen snowman, titled At Home With Olaf. The shorts, announced via Disney Animation’s official Twitter and YouTube accounts, were created entirely at home by Disney animator Hyrum Osmond, with Josh Gad also providing voice work from home.

At Home with Olaf follows Gad’s beloved character from the Frozen movies as he gets into a series of hijinks around Arendelle. The first episode is written and voiced by Gad, who plays the snowman in both movies, and animated by Osmond, who oversees animation on Olaf projects.

The first episode, Fun With Snow, released online on Monday and features Olaf lobbing snowballs in the woods. The series may not be very exciting, but sure are charming and sweet, promising to ease your worries and anxities.

This isn’t the first project that Gad has taken on since being stuck at home. The actor also used Twitter and Instagram’s live tools to read children’s books to kids around the world, giving their parents a quick reprieve.

Not sure how often Disney will be pushing the shorts, but a tweet from the company suggests At Home with Olaf as a new digital series, so expect more episodes in the days to come.