VFX 'Call of Duty: Mobile' calls for a month long Valentine's Day events

‘Call of Duty: Mobile’ calls for a month long Valentine’s Day events

Call of Duty: Mobile’s Valentine’s Day event has started and Activision has introduced new outfits, skins, weapon, and emote. The game has added Valentine Combat Rig bundle, which includes battery Valentine outfit, S36-Phobos gun, and a heart emote. To get the battery Valentine outfit and S36-Phobos, players can spin the wheel in the Valentine Draw. The S36-Phobos has a unique death effect that makes enemies turn into pink mist after being killed. The Valentine Draw is available until 5March according to IGN.

Players can also earn additional rewards until February 13 by just logging in every day. Completing weekly challenges and Multiplayer Ranked Mode challenges will offer even more rewards. The game had recently added the new XS1 Goliath scorestreak.

According to recent report on Forbes Activision Blizzards Mobile platform sales make up close to 35 per cent of the company’s total revenues with roughly $2.3 billion in sales, and it will likely grow in the near term. This compares with roughly a 17 per cent contribution from its mobile platform for Electronic Arts, and over a 90 per cent figure for Zynga.


A new Scorestreak is available for players to earn – the XS1 Goliath. The XS1 Goliath is an armoured robot with a minigun that can fire off limitless ammo. When players earn the Goliath, they can throw a signal flare to have a crate airdropped on your position. Activate the Goliath from the crate, then watch as it rains devastation on your foes. Head in-game to view the challenges, then complete them to get the XS1 Goliath Scorestreak.