In the remembrance of the people we lost, “Fashion Street” by Arena Animation, Jayanagar

Arena Animation, Jayanagar recently won an award for the “Best Editor Award” at the National Video Film Fest (News Eyes Television) at Kerala 2012 for its student film ‘Fashion Street’.

‘Fashion Street’ is a film that basically highlights one of the incidents that took place during the bomb blasts on the 12th march 1993, also known as Black Friday.

The film is based on a true story of a young orphan girl who lost her friend in the terrorist attacks. The film is a mixture of 3D Animation and VFX compositing.

The film includes 3minutes of VFX shots and the rest of 3D animation totaling upto 15mins and 58secs. The film is made by 12artists which include Indira Gupta, the Producer, Kareem Meppadi the Story writer, Screenplay & Direction, Rahul Jaishi, Editor & VFX Artist, Ameer Kolur, the Production Controller and Labi Diya, the Cinematographer. The film is complied with the aid of software like Baby lights, Adobe Premier, Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas and Ulead Video Studio, few scenes are shot in Nicon D5000 camera. The film is targeted for the audience of 14years and above.


Speaking to, about the challenges faced during the development of the film Chiranjit Ghosh, Creative Head said that, “The initial challenge was to manage and co-ordinate with the railway timings and permissions. We had to take special permissions from the DPI officer to shoot at station. The next challenge was to shoot inside the train with minimal lights and space. Managing the crowd at places like Haji Ali, Gateway of India, Fashion street etc was no less a task. Technical errors were also faced but with the help of a dedicated and experienced team we pulled it off and the final output has really made us happy. The best part of this movie was that it was shot during our Trip to Mumbai along with students to attend the TASI fest”.


“The main objective to develop the movie was to make people realize the ill effects of terrorism and help the families and their loved ones who have suffered because of the terrorist attacks.” Chiranjit added.

‘Fashion Street’ has also been showcased at Creative Minds-Bangalore and IDSFFK. Arena Jayanagar is presently working on its new film “Our Fatherland” which has the combination of different animation styles like stop motion animation, Classical 2d animation, 3D animation, Visual effects & Compositing.

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