In 1997, 12 years ago even as Animation as an Industry was just about taking root in India, one of the earliest centers that took up animation training was set up in Indore by Sanjay Khimesara, who set up Arena Animation Indore on 9th Sept 1997.

The center is celebrating its 12th anniversary this year and as part of the celebrations is conducting a mega seminar with a star studded line up of speakers and presenters, including Animation Film Maker Gitanjali Rao, Krayon Pictures Anand Bhanushali, VFX Whiz Yunus Bukhari, Post Production & Tech Evangelist Neil Sadwelkar and‘s Anand Gurnani.
The seminar is being conducted on the 8th of September at University Auditorium from morning 10.00 am to 2.30 pm in the afternoon. An audience of about 1500 students is expected to attend the event.
Speaking to, Arena Indore MD Sanjay Khimesara who is also the promoter of Horizon Infotek shared, “Since we started out in 1997, we have grown by leaps and bounds and have trained 5000+ students from across India. Starting from our initial years, the response of the creative Malwa people has been really amazing. Our center has won many awards and accolades not only within the Arena circle but also from external bodies and we have consistently been there among the top 20 centers. The key reasons of our success have been good training and equally good placement which has our students working for top notch studios across India. Going forward we are looking at setting up an incubation facility for our students.”
The anniversary seminar will have Neil Sadwelkar speaking about the various career options that exist in film and video post production sector, while Anand Bhanushali will give a sneak peek into the Krayon Pictures upcoming feature Delhi Safari and also a broad overview of the animation industry in India and Gitanjali Rao will be giving her insights on Animation Film Making.
Yunus Bukhari shares, “In my presentation I would stress on the importance of digital technology pertaining to animation and VFX. Most importantly I would be emphasizing on the fact that animation and VFX has wide application beyond the entertainment space and this scope is going to revolutionize in the time to come. With the help of some clips from my work, I would also give an overview of the time consuming and expensive procedure of developing animation content.”
The Arena Indore Centre regularly organizes mega seminar “Perspective” wherein speakers from leading Animation companies like Rhythm & Hues, NID, Vaibhav Studios, Big Animation, Zapak Games, Crest Animation, Shemaroo Entertainment have already participated. Centre organizes Ad Mad Show-Junoon competition at centre level on yearly basis. A series of regular workshops and seminars are also organized to inculcate knowledge in students. Even regular visits to industry and interactive sessions on communication and personality development are also organized for student’s exposure and soft skills.
While the number of seminars being conducted by various institutes across India has now increased considerably, the seminars do hold a special value for the students of animation and those seeking to learn it. Bringing in exposure and perspectives from the Industry‘s best..