VFX PlayStation 4's slim images leak over an online auction site -

PlayStation 4’s slim images leak over an online auction site

While Sony’s next move seemed to be the PlayStation Neo as the company had announced it earlier this year, new images of a slimmer version of PlayStation 4 has surfaced on an online auction site.

From the images doing rounds over the internet, we can make out that it looks like a much slimmer version of PS4, however there is no way to tell if it is Neo. The images are pretty compelling as the new sleeker version of PS4 can be a possibility as Sony had earlier given similar treatment to its previous PlayStation hardware.

PS4 Slim
The revealed pictures show that this particular model has a 500 GB hard drive and appears to be a European one, with a matte texture. The most noticeable difference in this version apart from the size is the absence of  the PS4’s optical port.

Sony has already announced that they will be hosting a PlayStation meeting on 7 September in New York City where the company will officially launch their upcoming console (probably a more powerful one) nicknamed, Neo.  It won’t be a surprise if Sony announces Neo and the slimmer version of the console during this event.

This move from the makers is possibly to compete with the Xbox One S. Microsoft will also be bringing out the Xbox Scorpio as it announced at E3 previously this year.

We will keep you updated as the mystery of the console unveils further.