Pyrodactyl’ Game ‘Unrest’ to Exhibit at EGX Rezzed, UK from March 28-30

Jaipur based Indie game studio, Pyrodactyl, that is founded and spearheaded by Arvind Raja Yadav, creates role playing games and  is in completion stage of its third, single player game titled ‘Unrest’ that will make its first international debut at EGX Rezzed in Birmingham, UK from March 28-30’14, an event dedicated to PC, indie and console gaming.

Arvind founded Pyrodactyl while in college, along with Ian Nicholls. Pyrodactyl’s first title was A. Typical, an eclectic light-hearted parody of adventure game and RPG genres inspired by Scott Pilgrim and getting bullied in school.

Targeted to gamers in love with combination of RPG and Adventure game mechanics, Unrest, that is funded by Kick starter, focuses on exploring the city of Bhimra, interacting with various characters, and trying to achieve your goals either through combat or conversation

Speaking to about ‘Unrest’, Arvind Raja Yadav, says, “The levels of the game are set in a fictional city in ancient India. The characters are ordinary people who are struggling to cope with the unrest in the city. The game play is similar to old school RPGs with a little bit of adventure game in it.”

In this game, you can explore the drought and famine stricken streets of an ancient Indian city, where a fog of hunger and discontent shrouds the natural beauty of the land. Use the detailed conversation system to instill fear, command respect and gain the trust and friendship of others.

Understand your enemies and make them see your side of the story. The narrative adapts to failure and death – instead of a game over screen, the plot continues and your fate becomes part of it. However, you can still save and load at any time if you want to. Make tough and interesting decisions in the lives of people untouched by destiny. The traditional hero’s quest of prophecy, power, and revenge forms a backdrop to your own struggles.

Hand drawn 2D art and soundtrack based on ancient Indian music will help you immerse yourself in the world. Full mod support lets you create your own worlds and adventures.

“Ancient Indian stories and culture, along with the forts in my hometown Jaipur have been an inspiration for developing this game.” Arvind adds more
Look and feel of Paintings is chosen as the art style for this game and animation software Spline is used to animate the game. C++ with SDL2 and OpenGL and The IDE is Visual Studio 2013 have been used too. Gaming controls for Unrest are a combination of Keyboard mouse, mouse only and controller input.

Credits for this game go to, Programmer, Game Designer, Team Lead and Janitor: Arvind Raja Yadav, Writer and Scenario Designer, Adam “Rutskarn” DeCamp, Artist: Mikk Luige, Scripting and Mapping: Ross Zevenhuizen, Animator: Mohd Jafar, Scripting and Design: Ian “BaronLez” Nicholls, Music: T. Devendra Kumar & Ashwarya Prasad.

Unrest will be released this year as a paid game for Windows, Mac and Linux.

“All of our team members love playing games of this genre and hence we ended up making Unrest. Use conversation, violence or both to achieve your goals in this game.” concludes, Arvind.