VFX Most popular game genres -

Most popular game genres

The gaming industry has come along leaps and bounds in the last number of years. However, its growth did not come out of nowhere. Several different factors contributed to its success. First of all, the development in the quality of these games has been astronomical. From gameplay to graphics, the effort and quality put into these games in the modern day is unbelievable. Another key factor to its success is the growth of streaming. For those not familiar, this is essentially when online personalities play games live for people to watch and enjoy. Streaming is now a full-time profession for thousands of people across the globe, and it is really good for the gaming industry. 

So, gaming is clearly quite popular, but what types of games attract the most people? With such variety in games, there is so much choice for those who wish to enjoy it. However, you will find that most people have a preferred genre when it comes to gaming. If you want to know what the most popular gaming genres are, read below.  

Browser Games 

Not everyone has the luxury of having a great gaming PC or console. This doesn’t mean that they are unable to game, however. There are plenty of games that are accessible to those with mobile devices. The likes of your laptop and smartphone are more than capable of handling browser games. A lot of the time all you need is a quick google search and you are on your way. These games require no download meaning they are often a fast way to game, too. A good example of a type of popular browser game is online casinos. You can read more about it in this article.  


Shooter games might take the place of the most popular gaming genre. This is because some of the biggest video game franchises in the world are set in the shooter genre. The likes of Call of Duty and Battlefield have dominated the gaming markets for years. With regular releases, it looks likely that they will continue to do so too. 


Horror is a relatively new genre in terms of being popular. Although horror games have been made for a long time, it wasn’t until the graphics and quality improved that they gained traction. The likes of Outlast and Resident Evil were very influential in the genre’s success. It also benefited massively from streamers and Youtubers doing walkthroughs of the games. 


Platform games have such a simple concept. You essentially walk from one side of the screen to the next avoiding obstacles and completing missions. Despite its simplicity, creativity and variety have helped to maintain its popularity. The genre was brought to life thanks to the Super Mario franchise. Since then, the genre has maintained popularity thanks to more modern releases such as Little Nightmares and Unravel. The simplicity of the mechanics and creativity of the campaign help to make it an enjoyable experience.