VFX Submissions for core concepts now open for GDC 2022 -

Submissions for core concepts now open for GDC 2022

Informa Tech, the organisers of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2022, the world’s largest and longest-running event for game developers, are now accepting submissions to present lectures, roundtables, and panels for the Core Concepts section of the event. This initial call for submissions, which encompasses everything intended for the Main Conference Tracks on the Wednesday-Friday of the conference, will be open until Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 11:59pm.

Submissions will be considered for GDC 2022, which returns to the Moscone Center in San Francisco 21 March to 25 March 2022. The GDC Advisory Board is currently seeking submissions from game developers with expertise in any of the following disciplines:

  • Advocacy
  • Audio
  • Business & Marketing
  • Design
  • Production & Team Management
  • Programming
  • Visual Arts

Those looking to submit Core content should first review the submission guidelines and track topics prior to submitting. They should also know that the submission process is divided into a three-phase system:

  • Phase I – open call for submissions and initial advisory board review (August – late September).
  • Phase II – submission declines, acceptances, or Phase II conditional acceptances sent.
  • Most GDC talks are Phase II conditionally accepted prior to official acceptance. Phase II submitters will be required to provide additional information and revise their submission per advisor feedback.
  • Phase III – review of Phase II revisions and final acceptances/declines sent (November – December).

The GDC Advisory Board will review and determine submissions based on the criteria of concept, depth, organization, credentials and takeaway. The GDC Advisory Board aims to achieve diversity of voice, experience and perspective and strongly encourage taking this goal into consideration when working on submissions.

GDC Summits (including VRDC) and GDC Masterclass courses will take place on the Monday and Tuesday of the conference. The call for submissions for these programs, as well as Friday’s Game Career Seminar, will be open 7 September through 5 October 2021.