VFX Participate in Asia’s biggest Art-Animation-Tech competition at Bengaluru GAFX 2018 -

Participate in Asia’s biggest Art-Animation-Tech competition at Bengaluru GAFX 2018

Bengaluru GAFX 2018, India’s animation, visual effects, gaming and comics (AVGC) event, will take place at Hotel Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru on the 18, 19 and 20 of May this year. The event (formerly called ABAI Fest and Summit) is organised by ABAI, will be backed by the department of innovation and technology of Government of Karnataka.

The focus of the 2018 edition of GAFX is on creating more opportunities and helping the community in the AVGC sector to establish a stronger foothold.

GAFX conducts live competitions in both artistic and technical arenas, providing a platform to professionals and students to showcase their talent and get recognized. Participants can take home cash prizes up to 0.7 million and be deemed as Champion of GAFX till the next edition.

If you have what it takes to be the champion then this competition will give you an opportunity to flaunt your talent to the world.

The main competitions for this year are:

  • 3D Modelling
  • Clay Sculpting
  • Character Animation
  • 3D Game Art
  • Hackathon
  • Digital Painting
  • Story Writing
  • Traditional Painting

To give opportunities to more talented artists who wish to showcase their art, the last date for registrations has been extended to 10 May. If you are interested in being a part of GAFX competitions, you can register at https://www.gafx.in/competition-registration/

Looking forward to seeing you at GAFX 2018!