Global games retailer Green Man Gaming, open to reveal the source of its game codes

Following a spat with subreditter, Game Deals, Green Man Gaming, the global games retailer will now…

AMD to release two new GCN GPUs next year

With the recent change in its software systems and moving away from its 13 year old…

Rising Sun Pictures and UniSA join hands to educate tomorrow’s VFX gurus

Adelaide’s own Hollywood success story, Rising Sun Pictures (RSP), and the University of South Australia have…

Da Vinci Learning and The Quint launch India’s 1st Kids HD Educational Channel

With a vision of building its global footprint and further extending across 100+ territories spanning three continents,…

DHX Media’s ‘Endangered Species’ let loose on the world

DHX Media – a key player internationally in the production, distribution, broadcast and licensing of entertainment…

Google Play says if you got ads, declare them!

Differentiating between apps and games containing ads and an ad free content is a bit difficult…

Saudi prince helps the struggling Euro Disney theme park by injecting €49.2 million

The struggling Euro Disney has found a strong supporter in a Saudi prince, who has injected €49.2…

Disney India celebrates Mickey’s Birthday with his true fans

The face of Disney Company, the beloved legendary character Mickey Mouse, celebrates his birthday today as…

Disney’s ‘Zootopia’ ropes in Michael Giacchino for the music score

Disney’s upcoming animated feature, Zootopia, has roped in Michael Giacchino, award-winning composer for his first-ever feature…

Tomb Raider reboot gets ‘Wave’ director

The wait for the next Tomb Raider in the franchise is finally over as the reboot…

Marvel Games leverages the success of Netflix’s ‘Jessica Jones’ and ‘Daredevil’

Marvel, with all its might in all the departments of entertainment is taking advantage of promoting…

Cartoon Network continues to strengthen its animation portfolio with Australian productions

Cartoon Network has announced that four Australian-made animation projects will be part of its regional programming…