VFX Varmora Animation Presents a Brand New Children's Show KIDDY WORLD -

Varmora Animation Presents a Brand New Children’s Show KIDDY WORLD

Varmora Animation and Varmora Animation Training Centre are all set to launch their brand new 3D animation series for children. The series is aptly named as KIDDY WORLD and the studio has recently released the first look of the series on their Facebook page.

To be launched as a TV series, and also through CD and DVD release and as a merchandise, KIDDY WORLD is targeted at kid audiences and is no less than a revolutionary project from Varmora Animation. The unique thing about this animation series is that the trainees from the studio are entirely behind the making of this series.

Having contributed into the conceptualization, design, animation as well as other nitty-gritty’s of the production process, the trainees have shown exceptional skill and work ethic that has went into successfully finishing this project.

Speaking to AnimationXpress.com about KIDDY WORLD,  Team at Varmora Animation, says, “This series has lot of fun elements along with expanded learning experience for kids and easy for parents to make kids sit and learn.”

“We are planning to launch the series early next year.”,Adds more


From the first look of the series, Kiddy World seems to be a fun and exciting new show for small kids with a colorful new world and a variety of characters including three children and a magician. The series is all set to take the kids on an exciting adventure, having fun along with a learning experience.

Varmora Animation is a new state of the art animation studio based in the heart of entertainment in the city of Mumbai and Ahmedabad.With the launch of Kiddy World and others projects in the pipeline, the studio is gearing up to make their presence felt in the bustling 3D animation segment.

Kiddy World is sure to pave a way for the betterment of Indian animation.
