The show is being created by Takashi Miike and Shinya Sugai from Sublimation (Dragon’s Dogma), with Musashi Miyamoto modelled after Toshiro Mifune.
Musashi is no longer a young man. He departs with the legendary Oni Gauntlet to defeat the Genma. 3D CGI characters and hand-drawn backgrounds create phenomenal visuals. Onimusha is given a new life using modern-day animation technology.
The Onimusha series was developed by Capcom, with the first game in the series, Onimusha: Warlords, released in 2001.
The series saw consistent releases in the early 2000s, however, in recent years, the series has been largely dormant outside of a remake of the first game in 2019.
The series follows figures and battles from Japanese history, with the early games being based largely on the Sengoku period. The games are mostly action-adventure titles.