VFX Green Circle working on medical animation -

Green Circle working on medical animation

Chennai based Green Circle Enterprises is currently working on a project in the field of medical animation. The project which is still in the initial stages is called Functions of the Heart will be completed in three months on CD rom.

Functions of the heart is targeted at students especially those considering medicine as a career. The forty minute animated visual which talks about how a smoker’s heart is damaged by nicotine has been worked on since May 2006 by two artists.

L. Krishnamoorthy, Managing Partner, Green Circle Enterprises, shared with Animation ‘xpress, “For this project we did consult eminent cardiologists in order to ensure that the message being conveyed was correct.”

“In near future we would like to expand in a big way. Needless to say that lot of market is there for medical animation which is untouched by many and we as a company would like to specialize in it,” he concluded.
