‘PUBG Mobile’ to introduce cold front survival mode on 16 April

PUBG Mobile team has announced that a new game mode, titled Cold Front Survival, will be added on 16April. As the name suggests, the new game mode will have something to do with snowy landscapes of Vikendi. The teaser image also shows a drone, suggesting they could play a significant part in the game mode.

PUBG Mobile has been hinting at this new mode since the beginning of this year. However, even with today’s teaser, official details regarding it are close to none. From what we can gather, drones might be introduced in the game although we don’t know how exactly they will be used. CoD Mobile has introduced drones as a scorestreak and they’re used for killing players in the multiplayer mode.

Again, PUBG Mobile has not given any information on what role the drone will play in the game but, the reports suggest the drones could help players in spotting animals so that they can either stay away from them or kill them with ease. Reports speculate players will have to survive through multiple snowstorms as well as kill other players during the match.

However, this PUBG survival mode might not require much killing, apart from just animal hunting. Players will have to survive the blizzard by looking for food and heat sources.


According to a Facebook post by PUBG Mobile, there will be a new item added to this game mode as well. “Any guesses on what this new item is? #ColdFrontSurvival #pubgm #ComingSoon,” the post reads. PUBG players speculate this new item would be a ‘heat pack’ of sorts allowing players to stay warm. There is no other information on the availability of this new item in the game, whether it will be a loot item or players will spawn with it.

There’s also a possibility that this could be just a new map instead of a new mode, as some of the game’s fans seem to think. Other reports suggest this mode could be laid out around the Vikendi map.