Netflix rolls out the first trailer of ‘The Witcher’

Netflix has recently released the trailer of the upcoming fantasy drama TV series  The Witcher.  The TV series has been created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich for Netflix. It is derived from Andrzej Sapkowski popular series of fantasy novel  The Witcher Saga.

The trailer reveals the monsters, dramatic special effects,  impressive-looking locations, tension and pretty brooding looks by leading man Henry Cavill (of Superman and Mission: Impossible fame). Other stars you can expect to see on screen are Freya Allan playing Ciri, Anya Chalotra playing Yennefer, and Anna Shaffer playing Triss Merigold.

Andrzej Sapkowski fantasy novel The Witcher was quite popular that thereafter  Polish TV series  The Hexer or The Witcher, movie, graphic novel and games which as of 2018 became so popular that it sold 33 million copies worldwide.  Thinking of the popularity mark how can Netflix let it go through it yet reveals the official date however to maintain the anticipation among Netflix has divulged that it will air in late 2019.

The two-minute clip shows our protagonist facing off against a variety of foes in a variety of different forms. At the end for perhaps the most dramatic shot of the trailer is when the spiders in the swamp rise above.

Stranger Things was the hit of summer, so probably Netflix has kept The Witcher in the kitty for the fall season to excel spookiness for Halloween viewing pleasure.

Sapkowski is on board as a creative consultant, so we’re expecting the show to follow the short stories and novel fairly closely. The trailer suggests the origin stories of Ciri and Yennefer are going to be crucial to the action.