‘Marvel Heroes Omega’ to arrive on PS4 and Xbox One this spring

Earth and universe’s mightiest heroes will unite for Marvel Heroes Omega on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this spring. Gazillion Entertainment, the developer of 2013’s PC RPG Marvel Heroes, made the announcement.

The action-packed RPG/MMO, a spin-off of Marvel Heroes 2016, will bring together the Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men, the Avengers, the Defenders and more. The RPGs and MMO make it a unique blend of non-stop action and limitless progression.

If you’ve got a favourite Marvel Super Hero, you’ll be able to play as him or her in Marvel Heroes Omega. It’s got one of the largest rosters of playable Heroes that pulls from all corners of the Marvel Universe. You can play as a character from the Avengers, The Defenders, the X-Men, the Inhumans, the Guardians of the Galaxy and many more.

Lovers of lore can also expect a fantastic tour through famous locations, from the dark streets of Hell’s Kitchen to the mystical realm of Asgard. The nine-chapter story campaign will also find players facing off against some of Marvel’s most infamous Super Villains, including Doctor Doom and the trickster god Loki. “But finishing the story is really just the beginning! Like many great online games, we think Marvel Heroes Omega is best played with others – and players can look forward to joining forces with fellow Super Heroes in the game’s many Headquarter areas to tackle the game’s most challenging end-game content,” said Gazillion Entertainment, community manager, David Lee.

A closed beta will soon be available for both PS4 and Xbox One. Players interested in joining the PS4 closed beta for Marvel Heroes Omega can select from a variety of Founder’s Packs for sale on the PlayStation Store to secure continued closed beta access – and can be purchased online via the official PlayStation Store website, through the PlayStation 4 console, or on the official Marvel Heroes Omega website. As an added bonus to everyone who takes the time to participate, all closed beta players, regardless of whether or not they purchased a Founder’s Pack, can look forward to receiving Daredevil, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, for free.

38 Heroes will be available at launch, including Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Storm, Deadpool, and more. Players can also collect hundreds of costumes and heroes from their favourite Marvel Teams. Iron Fist and War Machine will be exclusive to the Founder’s Pack for a 6-month period.