Cartoon Network’s ‘We Bare Bears’ returns on 13 March

Cartoon Network’s We Bare Bears follows three endearing bear brothers: Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear and their awkward attempts at assimilating into human society. Living in the global tech epicentre, Silicon Valley, the bears are obsessed with the latest high-tech gadgets and crave nothing more than to be “Internet Famous”. These bears would give Zoella and Joe Sugg a run for their money any day – they’re masters of the selfie, kings of apps and are constantly posting hilarious videos of themselves online.

In fact, Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear are in love with the idea of online stardom so much that they’ve shared their best tips to help you climb the Internet fame ladder and go viral; like how to take a good selfie, how to bust a move like a pro and how to celebrate each new social media follower.

Besides trying to become Internet famous the three lovable outsiders, Grizzly (Eric Edelstein), Panda (Bobby Moynihan) and Ice Bear (Demetri Martin), are just trying to fit into the society and mingle with humans – and if they can get some ice cream (or fat-free frozen yogurt) on the way, all the better.

We Bare Bears was created by Annie Award-winner Daniel Chong (Toy Story of Terror!) who will be taking part in a Facebook Live Q&A on 13 March between 4:10-4:30 pm GMT on Cartoon Network UK’s Facebook page.

The all-new episodes of We Bare Bears will kick off on weekdays at 6 pm from Monday, 13 March, on Cartoon Network.

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