Sega to adapt Atlus’ ‘Persona’ game into a live-action movie or TV series

After the success of its live-action Sonic movies, video game publisher Sega is aiming to turn other titles into movies or TV series. According to Sega, live-action remakes of Atlus games like Persona and Shin Megami Tensei are now in the planning phases.

As per the reports, expanding storytelling form is a new and significant component of Sega’s corporate strategy. Recent live-action video game adaptations, like its own Sonic movies, have made tons of money at the box office. 

Sega head of entertainment productions and lead producer of live-action Sonic movies Toru Nakaharaon said, “Atlus’ worlds are filled with high drama, cutting-edge style, and compelling characters. Stories like those from the Persona franchise really resonate with our fans, and we see an opportunity to expand the lore like no one has seen or played before.”

He added, “Together, Sega and Atlus, are working to bring these stories and worlds to life through new mediums and for new audiences.” Apart from stating that it is presently exploring live-action film and television projects with various studios and producers, Sega did not specifically state which production companies it is interested in collaborating with.

Atlus is renowned for its story-driven JRPGs and was established in Tokyo, Japan, in 1986. Persona, a series focusing on high school students who come across occult forces that threaten the world, is one of its most well-known titles. One of the best-reviewed RPGs of the generation is Persona 5 Royal, the most recent instalment in the franchise.