Marvel movie dialogues which add depth to the incredible heroes and engaging storylines

Apart from the superheroes and their quips, Marvel is also known for its little noticed philosophical touch to every feature, through adages and pithy sayings. Every instalment of its cinematic universe gives a greater message along with defeating the villains and evil forces. These aphorisms, often missed in the midst of ludicrous and waggish dialogues, though are put in simple words, have a profound meaning.

For all those who always seek a “deeper meaning”: take a look at some of the best ones we’ve picked.

“Forget everything you think you know”Doctor Strange

Strange & Mordo

When Mordo takes Strange to Kamar Taj, Strange seems sceptical of the place and makes a joke about it. That is when Mordo warns him to forget everything he thinks he knows.

One of the Zen story’s moral has been that when you want to learn something new (from a great teacher), you need to empty your mind of everything that you have learnt. That does not mean that you need to forget your previously acquired skills. Mordo did not mean that Strange’s medical knowledge of years was false. He meant that Strange should not let his medical degrees become a barrier to the greater knowledge that he was about to acquire. Often, we refuse to accept wisdom only because it is far beyond our comprehension. That is the time when this line is most apt.

“Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time.” –  Avengers: Age of Ultron

Cap & Iron Man

While chopping wood and making a pile each, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark talk about the war with Ultron. Rogers is not happy with Stark and Bruce Banner keeping their research work a secret from the other Avengers. Stark tries to justify it by saying, “Isn’t that the mission? Isn’t that the “why” we fight, so we can end the fight, so we get to go home.” That’s when Captain America uses this peace maxim.

Adhering to the duties of soldier, Captain America has always been known for valuing life above everything else. He is on his toes in no time during extreme circumstances, but will always prefer saving lives by avoiding killing. Though traditional in application, his philosophies have the basis of humankind.

“Our very strength invites challenge, challenge incites conflict, and conflict… breeds catastrophe.”
Captain America: Civil War


Vision explains the statistics of how enhanced humans and world-ending events have increased after Tony Stark announced himself as Iron Man. When Captain America raises the question of whether all that is their fault, Vision reasons that it may have a cause-effect relationship.

The synthetic being Vision is capable of understanding humans when even humans can’t, and is able to make such statements out of a fondness for humanity and a curiosity in understanding human behaviour. He does not see things as black and white, but always finds a reason behind human action. Though, that does not stop him from doing what is right. That is why, it is possible for Vision to not be consumed by vengeance and personal interests. He always sees a bigger picture, that which involves humanity.

“I have lived most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I will be grateful to die among my friends.” –
Guardians of the Galaxy

Gamora GOTG

Peter Quill (Star-Lord), when tells his team (Rocket, Drax, Gamora and Groot) that they have to fight the powerful villain Ronan to save the galaxy, Rocket is hesitant. That is when Gamora gets up and says that she is ready for the battle and will be grateful to die among her friends.

Lots of friendship and family-love quotes come from the humourous and action-filled feature Guardians of the Galaxy. This one may seem meekly sentimental, but is actually not. Such statements come from long-time experiences of being deprived of friends. While some of the lines are hilariously trite, there are a selected few that are infused with strong emotions.

“Soldiers trust each other, that’s what makes it an army. Not a bunch of guys running around and shooting guns.”
Captain America: Winter Soldier

Fury & Cap

Nick Fury sends Captain America and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) on a mission where Captain learns that Natasha’s mission is not the same as his. She is assigned another task. When the disappointed Rogers opposes to Fury’s decision, Fury tells him that he is not obliged to reveal everything to the Captain, to which Rogers gives this reply.

Yet another soldier-maxim comes from the classic hero. Always a protector of peace and harmony, the war veteran’s simplest lines have always elevated his highly-principled character. In contrast to the war-time phenomenon of soldiers just shooting guns randomly at the enemy without any other goal, Captain America believes that a group of soldiers have to be aware of the collective mission, and not keep secrets from each other. No wonder he is entitled as the Captain!