Marvel has upped the stakes manifold with ‘Avengers – Age of Ultron’

Suit up for this one folks, for Avengers – Age of Ultron hits on all thrusters…

Relive Marvel’s Cinematic Universe before ‘Avengers – Age of Ultron’ hits screens

Just a few days before Marvel’s mightiest heroes clash once again on the big-screen in the…

Larger than life motion captured characters that have graced the silver-screen

Recently, we at took you through WETA Digital’s cyber-thespianism magic that recreated Paul Walker in…

Marvel and Netflix bring back the ‘Man with no Fear’ – Daredevil

Just another day’s wait before you could catch the Marvel’s latest live-action TV series of the…

7 reasons to watch Fast & Furious 7

Bang!Bang!Bang! That’s how crazy the expensive cars go Kaboom! (230 cars in total) In the latest…

5 Superhero TV shows you must watch if you are a DC/Marvel Comic Fan

Decades ago comic junkies could get their hands on the latest comic issues only at the…

10 creepy creatures that found place in our hearts through animation

At some point of time in our childhood we may have all thought of living a…

Eternal bonds of friendships in animated feature films

Animated characters have for long been part of our growing-up days. Remember some of our favourite…

Marvel v DC: The race to box-office supremacy

In the infinite world of comics that go beyond our imaginations, showcase creativity beyond realism and…