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Coruscant to enhance blackjack mobile game with animation

nullUK based ADLM Limited, which is the holding company for leading online casinos including,, has tied up with Mumbai based mobile and data content applications firm Coruscant Tec to develop & distribute its casino mobile games in India.

Commenting on the deal, Coruscant Tec MD Ajay Adiseshan told Animation ‘xpress that,”Coruscant benefits in 2 ways. We shall be developing the games and also distributing them. Traditionally windowscasino and blackjack championships are held online, mobile is a great way forward. We will be developing a black jack game which will be featured across networks the world over and we plan to organise championships for the same.”

The development cycle (Symbian and J2ME) for BlackJack is almost complete and it is expected to release by October 15. Interestingly the game promises to enhance player experience with the help of animation.

Talking about the animation, Ajay said,”Black jack will be a high end game with heightened user experience complete with sound and animation. Instead of simply showing cards which come forward from nowhere we are trying to introduce an element of animation where an animated hand deals you the cards. Also in keeping with the theme there will be animated waitresses which will make appearances in between the game”

“Shortly we also plan to develop a Chinese version of the game and will tap the 200 million subscriber base in China.” he added.

The next step of the company will be to develop online casinos that accept different online payment methods, like PayPal. These type of sites are gaining popularity, CEO Bob Smith said “There are thousands of sites on the web and in the next few years, these type of online casinos will increase significantly.”

Coruscant also has an exclusive alliance with Air Games and boasts of a library of 500 games which it distributes to carriers and networks like Airtel, BPL, Orange and Hutch through

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