Reliance Animation’s “Krishna aur Kans” bags honor with Dadasaheb Phalke Film Festival & Academy of Motion Pictures

It’s been raining awards this summer for Reliance Animation’s animated feature film “Krishna aur Kans”. The film which is India’s first stereoscopic animated feature, bagged the prestigious ‘Dadasaheb Phalke Film Festival 2013’ for Best Animated Feature Film. Earlier this month “Krishna aur Kans” also won the ‘Audience Choice Award’ for Best Animated Feature Film at Lucknow CMS Children’s International Film Festival. And the third accolade came as ‘Best Animated Feature Film’ at Bhopal International Film Festival. The director of the film Vikram Veturi received the award at Lucknow. He was also present to receive the Dadasaheb Phalke Award which was given on 30th of April 2013.

The film has already been selected for various prestigious national and international film festivals like Pune International Film Festival, Trick Media and Animation Film Festival, Stuttgart, Germany, Tehran International Animation Festival and South Asian Film Festival, Canada to name a few.

Another rare prestige was bestowed on the film when the screenplay of “Krishna aur Kans” was taken up by the Academy ofMotion Picture Arts and Sciences (Oscars) for the permanent core collection at their research library last month. It is the first time that an Indian animated feature has been considered for such an honor. Ashish S.K the CEO of Reliance Animation and also the Executive Producer of the film was contacted by Gregory Walsh, who heads the script library division and conveyed the same to him.

On this illustrious occasion Ashish said, “We had put in all our efforts to create a point of reference and the finest animated film in 3D from India. It gives us immense pleasure to see that the through research and years of ward work on the script is acknowledged by the most coveted film association in the world. It’s a moment of pride for Reliance Animation and the entire Indian Animation Industry who have been striving hard to find a place in the global arena.”

Ashish S K further added “We are glad that with this film we have been able to catch global eyeballs towards an emerging era of quality Indian animation in the original content space. For the longest period of time we as an industry in India was only been looked upon as an outsourcing hub for animation studios. But now our brilliant artists and technicians can stand up and create their own content for the global market. “Krishna aur Kans” has paved the way for an entire generation of animation professionals in the country and if the content is of a high quality, well researched and aesthetically acceptable like “Krishna aur Kans” I see no reason why India can’t emerge also as an original digital content creation powerhouse in the coming years.”