Former Indiagames COO and Qyuki co-founder Samir Bangara passes away

The Indian industry has lost one of its biggest visionaries. The co-founder and CEO of  Qyuki Digital Media Samir Bangara, passed away on Sunday 14 June in a road accident.

He started his career at IL&FS venture corporation and moved to Ernst & Young next where he was focused on cross border M&A in the tech, communications,wireless and entertainment industry and was instrumental in closing several cross border deals.

Further to that he moved to Indiagames as the COO where he, along with founder Vishal Gondal and other key people looked after the sale of Indiagames to Disney in 2012. After that he served as the MD of Digital at Disney UTV.

Later he joined H2 as founding- co-chair India and further in 2013 with Shekhar Kapur and A.R. Rehman he co-founded the digital music platform Qyuki.

“We are all in a state of complete and utter despair and words will do no justice to express this loss. But it is our duty to absorb this shock for now so that we can be there for each other, especially for his family, just the way Samir would have liked us to,” said Qyuki co-founder and COO Sagar Gokhale in a statement.

The statement further read, “On behalf of Team Qyuki and all our allies, we seek your support. Given the pandemic, please send your prayers from home until such time as we have more information to share with you.”

Personalities from across industries shared their condolences: