3D Sparrow’s ‘Booba’ to stream worldwide on Netflix

Kedoo Entertainment has signed new distribution and licensing deals, including a two-year worldwide agreement with Netflix, which will see 3D Sparrow’s animated series, Booba streaming globally on the SVOD. The series began airing on Netflix from July in the children’s animation category.

Ireland’s Monster Entertainment has been appointed as the distributor for Booba season two, worldwide except China. The series currently airs on De Agostini’s Italy kids channels Super! and DeA Junior, as well as the Russian public broadcaster kids channel Karusel.

Booba revolves around a curious creature exploring the world around him with his friends. The series became successful online and has generated more than two billion views since its premiere on YouTube in 2016. The series gets about 80 million views each month.

Considering the growth and success in Russia, Kedoo Entertainment and 3D Sparrow have appointed Plus Licens, which will be responsible for building a local consumer products program covering all major lines, further building on the success of Booba in Russia and the CIS territories.