Riot Games introduces its newest champions with a beautiful cinematic trailer

Riot Games has just upped their cinematic game with a new, enchanting one.

The three minute trailer features the two upcoming champions of the game, Xayah and Rakan. This is the first time that League of Legends is coming up with a duo-champ release. You might choose to play either one of them even when the other one is not in a match, but when combined, it gives them an edge with compatible combos.

Xayah is the ADC and Rakan is the support in the duo. In the beautiful cinematic titled ‘Wild Magic’, a forest is seen crippled with something dark and toxic, which seems to be coming from an eerie looking tree with a hidden room inside it. And who is behind this? It’s the game’s one of the most used assassins in pubs, Zed.

While the duo sneak into the premises of the tree in order to restore the forest, they encounter some creepy looking guards. While Rakan takes them on, Xayah goes in and gets ambushed by Zed.

While the fight continues, Zed is shown using his ultimate ability on Xayah. While she tries to dodge it with her own ultimate (which is possible in game), she gets hurt. Just when Zed tries to strike the coup de grace, the ADC pulls out her spikes, breaking the dark energy soaking crystal in the process, while Rakan leaps forward to protect her. The cinematic ends with a glimpse of the forest being restored.

Riot has been releasing cinematic teasers for almost all the upcoming heroes, but this one is longer than the recent ones. With beautifully animated characters and environments this trailer reminds us of previous trailers like ‘A New Dawn’ or ‘A Twist of Fate’.

The new duo arrives in the rift with the 7.8 patch.