Music rescues you in DreamWorks ‘Trolls’ new trailer

Music can tweak the deep chord within you. It can erupt your deepest emotions and touch the silent corners of your life. The new trailer of DreamWorks’ upcoming animated feature Trolls eludes you into a unique melody.

More than a trailer it plays like a featurette as the voice stars Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake explain the lead characters- the happy Poppy and the glum and gloomy Branch. The duo go on to give a gist of the story yet not reveal the plot.

‘Happiness is inside all of us, sometimes you just need someone to help you find it’. A simple common message known by everyone yet so deep and important is portrayed in a mesmerising way from the trailer. In addition to this, other small thoughts like ‘One voice can change the world’, ‘Don’t be discouraged’ and ‘Music rescues’ are conveyed in a simple yet effective way.

The distinct features of every Troll character create a peculiar image of the ’90s dolls from this short trailer itself. Directed by Mike Mitchell and co-directed by Walt Dohrn with a star voice cast, DreamWorks’ Trolls distributed by 20th Century Fox will hit theatres on 4 November, 2016.