Rising demand in the international market for Mocomi.com content for kids

Just within few months of the launch – Mocomi.com, a website dedicated for kids under 12, has been witnessing visitors pouring in to experience the site content. The portal that offers a plethora of knowledge through its range of activities & interactive apps for young kids, has been recognised majorly by the international audience. The analytical reports of the website show that 30% of the total visiting audience is from the overseas. With USA topping the chart, other countries like United Kingdom, Canada, Australia & parts of U.A. E have been amongst the major users of Mocomi.com. Considering the fact that hit rate on the portal has surged up to an average of 55% unique visitors over the last quarter, Mocomi is sure to make a mark in the edutainment segment for kids.

“It is overwhelming to see that along with the Indians, a major segment of the international audience is getting attracted to our content. Our website strives to provide quality content that has a global connect. Countries like USA and UK who have already adapted to digital & interactive learning, understand and have appreciated it. Observing this change in the digital segment, Indians will be surely adapting to platforms like Mocomi for engaging with our kids. “said Jesh Krishna Murthy, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Mocomi.com.

Mocomi.com aims at providing innovative & quality educational content that engages a child in order to enjoy his learning process & be sound with the worldly knowledge. It provides activities ranging from colouring pages, craft ideas, science experiments, science toys, history, art, music to interactive stories, apps and much more. The site allows every child, parent and teacher to be exposed to universally applicable ideas and concepts accessing from any corner of the world.

To experience it first-hand please visit (www.mocomi.com).