Former Blizzard CCO Rob Pardo joins Unity

Former Blizzard CCO and World of Warcraft lead designer Rob Pardo has joined Unity in a creative advisor role for the community of developers of game engine.

This new part time job will have Rob globetrotting and visiting devs and studios across North America, Europe and Asia to discuss game design, industry trends and the creative process.

“After years steeped in the games business, my passion remains the same at its core: I love games, discussing design and creative process and I find it fascinating to see how different people work differently,” Pardo said. “We’re seeing a new golden age of games currently with an amazing catalogue of games, with more breadth and diversity than ever before; there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re into hardcore triple-A shooters, deep strategy games, quirky platformers, or more avant garde indie fare, it’s an embarrassment of riches.”

Rob also has plans to appear at local Unity community developer groups to answer questions and provide advice.

“I am very much looking forward to my tour and I hope to meet many developers with different team sizes, genres and platforms. I’ll see developers creating free to play mobile games and others who are creating premium triple-A games for PC and console. I hope to offer insights from my experience designing games, serve as a sounding board for ideas, and simply sit down to muse together about game design in the new shape of our industry,” he added. “Hopefully the knowledge shared and gained in these meetings will make it outside the walls where they take place. I’ll try to do my part in that sense by writing about my experiences while traveling the world. You’ll be able to see those thoughts on the Unity blog.”