CDL’s Animated Short Shri Hanuman Chalisa Preps for Premiere in India on 30th Nov


It’s now time for Indian audiences to groove into the mystic tune of Charuvi Design Labs ‘Shri Hanuman Chalisa’ with its premiere event set for 30th of this month. had a conversation with Charuvi Agarwal, Founder of CDL and Director of the short to know more about the premiere event in India and also get a close look into the second teaser of the short.


Charuvi, please put light on how is the Indian Premiere of Shri Hanuman Chalisa going to be like?
The film is planned to be screened in Delhi at IGNCA on 30th November .The viewing and show will go on for 2 consecutive days. The film being the inception point of the show, comprising of multiple 8inches sculpted Asuras , 25 feet  and 10feet tall interactive installations.

Are there any other International film festivals where the movie would be screened at?
The film has roughly been screened at 15 festivals so far. Next month it is scheduled to be part of Oscar qualifying BILBAO INT’L FESTIVAL OF DOCUMENTARY & SHORT FILMS (Spain)

What are the newer aspects that you’ve introduced with the second teaser of Hanuman Chalisa?
The second teaser rushes you through a surreal journey where you are left with unanticipated imageries . It was rather simple and quick to execute since it constitutes direct scenes from the film itself. The idea was to encapsulate the film but with unusual music.

 Click here to view the teaser

We would like to hear comments that you’ve received for this teaser?
So far the comments have been extremely overwhelming. Positive reactions have been overflowing from both overseas and India. Interestingly many university students and professors have approached us.

What influenced you to pick the elements to be shown in the second teaser? 
The main motive behind choosing mythology in particular was to challenge preconceived imageries, set inside the Indian mindset and to re-narrate the content which hopefully does some justice to our rich ancient texts. Any well crafted movie has the potential to build a large audience; it purely depends upon the kind of conversation you plan to seek with your viewer.

Can you put more light on the look and feel given for this teaser?
Detail is an integral essence of my work. The film is a metaphorical visual poetry and every single frame had to be an extension of a moving painting. Symbolic significance was the undertone to conceptually portray the words and meaning of Chalisa with a fresh outlook.

Which is your favorite part in the second teaser and why?
Interestingly my favorite shots appear towards the end of the teaser. At 0:54 secs ,we gradually see camera pulling out from a centrally aligned composition where the humanoid figures form a golden ethereal/subtle face. The metaphorical meaning was to showcase the incarnations of Vishnu that have taken place in the cycle of 4 Yugas symbolically forming the face to pay their respect to Hanuman.

Is there any upcoming teaser or will now the movie release?
The movie gets to be finally released in the form of selected private screening held in different cities. During the production, the film branched out and matured into multiple interactive installations. The core idea was to create emotional resonance and combine technology, art and spirituality.

How much time has it taken to complete the short?
The film was heavy fx driven with massive environments and crowds.Since the shots were designed according to the audio, the entire scene was constrained to switch in 12 secs leading to the next.