Seven psychological attacks of your poker opponent when you feel weak

Poker is an ancient game that is available both in a typical Canadian land-based casino and online casino. Poker is a game of skill that requires you to follow a strategy to win. Poker, unlike other games like slots, has a higher return to player percentage. This is because you play against an opponent and not the house.

This means that the more skills you have, the higher your chances of winning. Apart from mastering strategy, Poker also requires you to use some psychological attacks or tells against your opponent for you to win. Based on our interaction with gaming expert Kevin Cochran.

Making Quicker Than Usual Calls

One of the most useful poker tells is bet timing. The most experienced players have proved that making quicker than usual calls is an indication of weak hands. This is because when your opponent quickly calls a bet, it means that the possibility of making a raise is ruled out. If you are focused on making the best of a poker game, you may not be in a hurry to call or raise.

Defensive Movements

Poker is one of the games you will find featured on Canadian casinos on When playing in an online casino Canada, one defensive moment that experienced poker players believe when your poker opponent is weak is during the reaching of chips. It is believed that when you stretch for chips to bet and your opponent then also does the same, indicating that they are ready to call, it’s a sign they probably have a weaker hand.

Defensive movement is a reliable tell as it suggests that you may not deny a player in front of you the chance to bet because you have a stronger hand. It is expected that you will stay still and do not reach out for chips.

The good thing about defensive movements is that they come out naturally and are unplanned. Other examples of defensive moments include your opponent’s staring noisily after a check or a change in sitting position after a check. The more the defensive movements, the weaker you are.

Double-checking Hole Cards

Double-checking hole cards can be explained in different scenarios depending on the situation. If your opponent who is waiting to act double checks hole cards, it is a clear indication of weak hands. Also, if an opponent calls for a raise then double-checks their cards, this indicates weak hands.

Also, if your opponent has made a significant bet, double-checking hole cards indicate strong hands. Double-checking hole cards is generally a sign of uncertainty, meaning that you have weak hands.

Hesitation and Pausing When Playing

When you are in the process of making a successful bet, holding back a bit and taking pauses in the middle of a bet will likely be a sign of strong hands. If your opponent is betting weak hands or bluffs, they will usually be straightforward in their bets with no hesitation or pauses whatsoever. 

Hesitation behaviors include when your opponent has a lot of starts and stop movements when placing a bet. They may also hesitate in stating the amount when they announce a raise or bet.

Hand statements

There exist two forms of statements in Poker. A weak or strong hand statement. A weak hand statement is the most often used hand statement that poker players use. A weak hand, when said, strengthens the range of a player. However, it is interesting to note that in Poker, weak most of the time means strong. 

Strong hand statements, on the other hand, are harder to interpret. This is because bluffers may use strong hand statements to bluff, while in the real sense, they have weak hands. It is, however, important to be cautious with your opponents’ statements so as not to influence you while all they are doing is bluffing.


Irritation is a great poker tell that can be used against an opponent. Rudeness from an opponent often suggests that they are in a winning position. On the other hand, Bluffers cannot be rude because they do not want to influence the opinion of the opponent with stronger hands.


Goading is derived from the word goad. A goad is a pointed rod that is used to direct an animal in a certain direction. Goading comes in the form of words that the opponent says. They include I dare you to call it, or I know you are already folding.

As Asian countries, Canada is a good country for doing business, which explains why online casinos are taking over. Poker ranks among the most popular games in such casinos. Poker is a strategy game that requires you to be conscious of your opponent’s psychological behaviors in Canadian casinos.