VFX How important are content markets for Kids' Broadcast Networks -

How important are content markets for Kids’ Broadcast Networks

To find and to buy the best and the newest content is the motive of every broadcaster attending content markets at various venues. It is no less important for a producer who is keen on signing a deal with a broadcaster who can be trusted with the title. In terms of the mileage, the title can garner with the network and of course, profit scale. There is no denial to the fact that a producer doesn’t have to await a content market to showcase a newly produced content.

Web marketing tools come in handy to launch the titles no sooner than they are produced. However, in an arena that is abuzz with a want to buy and a desire to sell-which is typically a content market, a foundation for a profitable business deal is set. It gives an opportunity for broadcasters to meet existing and prospective sources of content, understand the trends in the global market and to meet fellow professionals in the industry who can shed insights on what is evolving. Buyers get first-hand knowledge about new programmes available across globe and help them consolidate their brands. Sellers seize the moment to unveil new projects and see to it that they excite key buyers.

With companies across globe attending such markets, it helps one understand how the same content works across different markets in various countries. Content markets serve a chief point for exchange of information apart from functioning as a one-stop point for content buying. It would be no exaggeration to say that broadcast networks can gain leads on how to amend their strategies to stay abreast with the changing times.

One of the biggest content market- MIPCOM serves has a platform for broadcasters across the globe and witnesses a footfall of both buyers and sellers

Major content markets like MIPCOM, MIPTV, MIPJUNIOR, MIPCANCUN, ATF, DISCOP, NATPE, Kidscreen, Asian Animation Summit and many more have served as a source and summit for broadcasters all over the globe to analyse, target and use paramount content to expand their trade.

‘To alter existing tactics, to introduce new ones and to anticipate a certain chain of events’ is what a broadcaster can absorb from the markets. In short, it serves as a perfect avenue for introspection. A vital role markets play is in creating visibility for new content and enable newbie content creators assess their standing.

(These are purely personal views of Sun TV Network, Cluster Head-Kids Channels, Kavitha Jaubin and AnimationXpress.com does not necessarily subscribe to these views)