VFX Wanda Cinema Line selects Dolby ShowVault/IMBs for new screens in China -

Wanda Cinema Line selects Dolby ShowVault/IMBs for new screens in China

Dolby Laboratories and Wanda Cinema Line Corporation, one of the largest cinema exhibitors in China, recently announced that Wanda will purchase more than 400 units of the Dolby ShowVault/IMB to deploy in all of its new cinema screens built in China through the end of 2015.

“The ShowVault/IMB has already proven its worth in our existing cinemas, delivering outstanding performance and high reliability,” said Wanda Cinema Line Corporation, Board Director and GM, Zeng Maojun . “We are very pleased to continue this collaboration with Dolby, and we are confident the ShowVault/IMB will help ensure high-quality digital cinema presentation in our new screens in 2015.”

The Dolby ShowVault/IMB is the most widely deployed integrated media block (IMB) product in the cinema industry. Its superb reliability and enriched feature set continues to make it a much sought-after solution.

“It is Dolby’s long-term commitment to provide leading playback solutions to support the evolving digital cinema industry in China and around the world,” said Dolby Laboratories senior VP – cinema, Doug Darrow . “We are delighted to continue to work with an industry leader like Wanda, which shares with Dolby a single goal: to constantly strive for quality and innovation.”