VFX Raj Comics to launch ‘Srvsangram’ at Hyderabad Comic Con -

Raj Comics to launch ‘Srvsangram’ at Hyderabad Comic Con

One of the largest comic book distributor and publisher in India since 1986, Raj Comics is launching its fourth edition of Sarvanayak comic series Sarvsangram. Sarvnayak refers to ‘the greatest amongst equals’, the series is based on ‘all heroes contest’ being held in the realm of guardian and keeper of time ‘Yugam’ while the universe strives for survival in the absence of its defenders.

“So far four comics from the Sarvnayak Series have been published. The first one, Yugandhar (Aadhar Khand), which acts as a foundation of the series and the second one, Sarv Yugam (Pratham Khand), the third comics Sarvdaman (Dwitya Khand) and the fourth on Sarv Sangram (Tritya Khand) was released in Sep 2014. The Fifth Comics Sarv Sanghar (Chaturth Khand) in is in development and its artwork is ready. It is due to be released in November 2014. Rest of the series is being scripted right now,” said Raj Comics, founder Manish Gupta to AnimationXpress.com.

This comic didn’t come easy to them. It took the team a plump time of one and a half year to finish this project. A total team of 50 creative artists have lent their input and support in various capacities.

“Bringing the heroes from different dimensions together is a big challenge. The writing team had to work hard to read and re-read every single comics of each hero which amounts up to 700 comics. We have a very vibrant Social media presence on Facebook through which we maintain a strong connect with our readers. Besides this we come out with teaser pages in our Comics for our upcoming comics releases,” expounded Manish.

In India all major Railway and Bus Stand Book stalls carry Raj Comics. Its online store www.rajcomics.com (in operation since 2006) serves as the single largest Online Comics megastore in the country with approx 1,600 Comics titles.

Sarvsangram consists of 96 pages. It will be released in two editions in print format at Hyderabad Comic Con and will be available for all the readers above 8 years of age. A normal paperback version is priced at Rs 90 and a Special Hard Bound Collector edition at Rs 110. The collector edition will be available exclusively at Raj Comics Online Store.

“For several years now Raj Comics has been operating in a space without any competition. No other major publisher publishes Hindi Comics in the Superhero Fiction Genre. Fenil Comics, based out of Gujarat has come out with few Hindi superhero comics recently. We hope to see more such efforts,” ended Manish.