VFX Global games retailer Green Man Gaming, open to reveal the source of its game codes -

Global games retailer Green Man Gaming, open to reveal the source of its game codes

Following a spat with subreditter, Game Deals, Green Man Gaming, the global games retailer will now disclose the source for its game codes.

Recently it came under heavy fire after Games Deals alleged that Green Man Gaming was sourcing its codes for using allegedly unauthorised key codes for Activision and Ubisoft games – that is, keys not supplied directly by the publisher.

Game Deals recently alleged that Green Man Gaming had sold illegitimate keys on its website and sold it on cheap discounts, with many of the keys provided not working or unable to unlock the DLC that it was supposed to. The Game Deals subreddit in its rules states, that it will not post links to any retailers that use unauthorised keys, and as Green Man Gaming refused to supply the kind of contractual proof the moderators of Game Deals were demanding.

The allegation was countered by the site’s head of PR, “As you know, we have official and direct relationships with a range of publishers, developers and distributors. Some publishers send us keys directly. Some publishers use distributors to send out their keys, and so we work with the distributor to get keys. Where we don’t have a direct relationship, we have always taken care to responsibly source keys from range of outlets. Most retailers and businesses operate in this way as it’s not always possible to obtain product from the source.”

Witcher 3

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt studio CD Projekt Red, in a statement said that Green Man Gaming was not an authorised reseller, and the keys sold by them are not guaranteed to work.  The recently released Activision game Call Of Duty: Black Ops III bought from the site have been found with irregularities which indicate that there might be something irregular with the game retailer.

Green Man Gaming also announced on its Facebook page that it is going to change the operations on its site where one can know when to expect the delivery of a key and also the source of the key and both the changes have been implemented across its entire catalogue.