‘FIFA 17’ to sport a story mode, a first in the franchise

Finally, the fans of FIFA can rejoice as EA has just dropped a trailer of their upcoming edition of the hugely popular game. Just like many of EA’s games, FIFA 17 will be adhering to the ‘Frostbite’ engine, which means it will bring more realistic action style in the game.

The trailer showcases a story mode for the first time in FIFA. The story follows the fictional character of Alex Hunter who gets his first big break at Manchester United and gets his way into the Premier League. What’s interesting to note is that as it adapts to a story mode, there are not only matches to be played but it takes a player through the complete back story of Alex Hunter including, talking to agents, looking for houses, dressing room scenes prior to a game and much more.

While showing bits and pieces from different editions of FIFA, the words in the trailer reads, “People say football never changes. We see it differently. Football has changed.”

The best part? The game offers you a brand new career mode called ‘The Journey’ where you play as the main protagonist and go through the whole journey while completing quests by playing matches and earning ratings which you can check  out.

Apart from these, you earn trait points, which you can spend on your character to mould him as per your will and there is also a post match scenario where you can answer questions using a conversation wheel.
The game is slated to release on 29 September, this year. Let’s see if it lives up to its hype.