VFX 5 things to keep in mind before loosening your wallets during the 'Steam Summer Sale' -

5 things to keep in mind before loosening your wallets during the ‘Steam Summer Sale’

The Steam sale is right around the corner and you might be getting ready to loosen your purse strings but you must also prepare yourself a bit so that you fish out the best deals for yourself.

As soon as the sale goes online, users will be swarming the platform’s store to get the best out of it. However, you should be keeping some things in mind so that you make the best purchases and not regret it later.

Have patience!

As soon as the sale begins and the discounts are revealed, people will be crowding the store to get their hands on the titles. However, you should take your time, decide and then buy as the deals will be there till the end of the sale.

Bundles are the way to go

There will be a lot of bundles from publishers and they add more value to your purchase. Instead of buying just one game, if you can find a bundle which has your desired game and some other titles as well then it is definitely worth buying. Most of these bundles come packed with the additional items like DLCs and updates. However, if you already have some titles from the bundle in your library already, it does not make much sense.

Try ‘Enhanced Steam’

Enhanced Steam is an add-on extension to your browser. This assists you with price comparisons, showcases best deals and much more.

Keep an eye on the highlights

Keep an eye on the daily highlights about the sale on Steam. The section updates daily and more or less showcases the best deals that you can avail. Mostly, these are titles from famed publishers or fan-favourite IPs.

Don’t forget this year’s 5€ PayPal gift

As the dates for the sale were revealed by PayPal on twitter, they also disclosed the deal they will be giving to players. If you make a purchase of 20€, you are likely to receive a gift card worth 5€ from PayPal.